With the pan-European law on the protection of personal data GDPR, which has been in force since May 25, 2018, it is necessary to analyze our policy and our procedures regarding the protection of the personal data of our visitors.
Our website collects data to operate efficiently and provide you with the best possible experience with our services. Some of this data is provided directly by you, such as your ip, as well as details of your access, such as whether you connect from a mobile or computer, the operating system you use, your browser, as well as individual details of your computer . Our website interacts with your computer, using small pieces of code (cookies), which are stored on your computer, making the experience of using our website more efficient.
In addition to this data that is stored automatically, many of your details are sent to us, through contact forms, from requests for offers, your comments on articles, online discussions (chat) and any form of voluntary communication with our website.
Our Website uses your data for statistical purposes, more personalized information about your needs, as well as for more effective communication between us and you, through the contact forms, as well as history retention.
Also, some of your details may be used by us for promotional purposes such as newsletters, notifications, promotions, discounts, offers, etc., always with your consent. You can unsubscribe from these lists at any time.
Our site uses open source software and cms, as well as third-party widgets and themes. Our website complies with all security rules for data protection. However, it bears no responsibility for any leakage from third-party manufacturers.
Analytical data is also used by external companies that we use, such as google for the analytical presentation of statistics about your equipment, your online preferences, your age group, your gender, etc. Many of these data are used to display more targeted promotions from advertising companies.
From our website you can ask us to delete any information, email, form, request for offer you have sent us. To delete you from your login file, your account, your details, your history, etc. but under no circumstances can we do anything with the information that third parties may have collected about you. For example google, plugin manufacturers, themes etc.
Finally, in case of data leakage from malicious software, illegal connection by third parties to our management, failure of software, server or other equipment, we commit to inform you immediately, as well as to inform the responsible data protection authorities, but we cannot we guarantee timely prevention of leakage.
Cookies are small text files that are stored in our browser while we browse the internet. Their purpose is to notify the website the user is visiting of their previous activity. They usually describe our information such as user name and password in order to “remember” us when we visit the same website later and not have to log in.
Cookies may come from the website we have visited or from someone else (third-party cookies), for example through advertisements. They are usually harmless, but third-party cookies have been shown to collect information about each user’s online behavior, which raises important privacy questions. This prompted the E.U. and the U.S. to issue instructions for their use and to inform the user, for each website that uses them. There are programs that clean malicious cookies, while if the user wishes to delete them, this option is given through the web browser.
Websites with the use of specific information (cookies) are able to offer personalized services that meet the individual needs of the specific user, ultimately aiming to increase their traffic / profit. Cookies play a crucial role in the operation of the website and digital applications. They determine the way the online media presence is operated, displayed and used, and the above is determined individually by each user. To this extent, the offer of services and tools aimed at each visitor and their needs has no precedent in the history of commerce. This new economy based on advertising, the purchase and circulation of information, products and services on a global level with only the preferences and choices of the users is unprecedented in human history.
By using our website, using our services, sending information by filling out forms, browsing our websites, it automatically means that you have read, understood and accepted all of the above and we disclaim any individual responsibility.